What is a Smart Contract?
A high level overview of a smart contract. Learn how a smart contract relates to blockchain. Explore the various properties of a smart contract.
What is the Point of Using a Blockchain?
What purpose does a blockchain serve? How is the Bitcoin network maintained?
The Case Against Web3
How is “web3” different from the web we use today? Is the web3 takeover inevitable?
The Case for Web3
What is web3? Why would we want to live in the web3 world? Explore ideas that make a case for a web3 future.
“Decentralized” Applications
Are blockchain applications actually decentralized? Explore the concept of decentralization in the context of blockchain applications.
Ethereum Bootcamp: Advanced Concepts
The final week of Alchemy University’s Ethereum bootcamp. Learn about smart contract storage, proxy contracts, libraries, and governance.
Ethereum Bootcamp: Solidity Core
Dive deeper into Solidity. Learn about mult-sigs, smart contract inheritance, ERC-20s, and NFTs.
Ethereum Bootcamp: Solidity
Learn more about Solidity. Topics covered include mappings, events, arrays, and structs.
Ethereum Bootcamp: Smart Contract Basics
The basics of a Solidity smart contract. Topic include Solidity syntax, functions, smart contract communication, and address interactions.
Ethereum Bootcamp: Introduction to Ethereum
Learn about the basics of Ethereum. Read about the unique features of Ethereum, JSON-RPC, transactions, and ethers.js